Sorry for the delay with I have published this new post but finally ........
Welcome to Quebec !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who better than this cute little animal could be welcome us here?
Here we are to the second destination of our trip, Quebec City, specifically to University Laval.
When we arrived at Laval we quickly acclimatized, which was a good result considering that we would stay there for longer than expected.
Ma cominciamo dall'inizio, arrivare a Quebec City è fantastico, per qualche motivo ti rendi conto di respirare un' aria diversa dal resto del Nord-America e, perlomeno io, ero davvero divertita da questa situazione. In parte ti sembra di essere di nuovo in Europa, unico dettaglio è che sei esattamente dall'altra parte del mondo. Senza considerare poi la bellezza di questa città piena di storia e bellezze naturali, infatti si trova sulla cima di uno sperone di roccia proprio sul St Lawrence River.
But let's start from the beginning, get to Quebec City is great, for some reason you realize you breathe a different air from the rest of North America and, at least I was really amused by this situation. In part you seem to be back in Europe, only detail is that you're exactly halfway around the world. Before considering the beauty of this city full of history and natural beauty, it sits on top of a rock on the St Lawrence River.
Camminare per la città vecchia è come girare in un museo a cielo aperto, tanto che la zona, nel 1985, è stata dichiarata patrimonio dell'umanità dall' UNESCO.
Walking through the Old Town is like walking in a open-air museum, the area in 1985 was declared a World Heritage Site by 'UNESCO.
This is the only center in all of North America, surrounded by walls.
E' uno dei piu antichi insediamenti, nel 1535 vi sbarcò Jean Cartier e al tempo la città si chiamava Stadacona. Nel 2008 ha festeggiato il 400° anniversario della sua fondazione.
It's one of the oldest settlements, Jean Cartier landed there in 1535 and at the time the city was called Stadacona. In 2008 it was celebrated the 400th anniversary of its foundation.
The city covers about 93 square kilometers, it's really nice to visit, walking in the sun, next to the St Lawrence.
If you decide to get there by car, you will agree look for parking in the area of Vieux Quebec.
The city is divided into two parts, the upper town and lower town, a part of it perched on top of Cap Diamant and the other at his feet.
The fort is a symbol of the Citadelle, which occupies the highest point of Cap Diamant, the two parts together form the old town.
The ancient walls, now almost completely restored, have been declared a national historic site of interest. Next to Porte St Louis is the documentation center, an excellent information center that organize and guided tours.
(Tel. 4186487016, 100 Rue St Louis, adults \ students, C $ 3.50 \ 3.00, from 9.00 to 17.00 by mid May to mid October).
Around the walls there is the Parc d'Artillerie, initially as the headquarters of the French army and then host the British garrison, but today has become a documentation center where you can see a scale model of the city XIX century and children will hear an 'interesting history lesson.
Come vi stavo accennando la costruzione della Cittadella iniziò nel 1750 per opera dei francesi ma si concluse ben 70 anni dopo dagli inglesi, che vi avevano lavorato per i precedenti 30 anni, la struttura faceva parte del sistema difensivo ideato per respingere gli attacchi amercani. Oggi è sede del reggimento francese Canada's Royal 22s.
As I was mentioning, the construction of the Citadelle began in 1750 by French but ended after 70 years by the British, who had worked for the previous 30 years, the structure was part of the defense system designed to repel American attacks. Today it is Canada's Royal Regiment French 22s.
The museum illustrates the history of the regiment, the changing of the guard takes place at 10.00 in the summer months, the beating of the retreat sees the soldiers beat the drum while leaving the location at the end of the shift. During July and August you can see the scene on Tuesday \ Thursday \ Saturday and Sunday at 18:00.
Passeggiando incontrerete negozi di buffi souvenir sicuramente, ma ancora più curiosi negozi di cappelli come Bibi, dove troverete ogni tipo di cappello, per ogni occasione, che sia estate con 40 ° o inverno con -40° una gentile signora vi aiuterà a decidere ciò che vi dona di piu!
Walking you will find souvenir shops certainly funny, but even more curious as Bibi hat shop, where you'll find every kind of hat for every occasion, be it winter or summer with 40 ° or -40 ° with a lady will help you decide what gives you more!
Walking and admiring the city I can not think about how historical influences have led to the landscape ..
Walking and admiring the city I think about how historical influences have led to the landscape ..
And how can we enjoy browsing in a nice Christmas store with a small department where it simulated the cold winter, not only with color, but also making that part colder? Really cute!
And here we are wandering through the market full of artists and special trinkets, which we entertain for a while ..
Davvero interessante è stata la visita alla chiesa protestante della città abbiamo avuto l'occasione di partecipare a una lezione in cui ci è stato insegnato come vengono suonate quelle particolari campane.
Really interesting was the visit to the Protestant church, we had the chance to attend a lesson in which we have been taught as their particular bells are played.
An experience that few can say: I did it!
The Promenade is unforgettable, it's beautiful although a bit tiring to do all the steps and reach the top, you'll see from afar points that will be left in the heart then maybe a nap on the green grass, I know that I should write and describe more but you should go there to see how it can be difficult to speak about so much beauty, in the meantime here there are the pictures.
E poi piene di colori negli occhi e nelle menti torniamo alla Laval, cosi ci dedichiamo ai negozi dell'università, cercavo un' agenda ed una penna, e un paio di bottigliette d'acqua da supermarket interno , davvero comdo.. Potrete inoltre usufruire di una mensa favolosa, un parrucchiere, un negozio di souvenir dell'università e un ufficio per affittare le automobili.
And then, full of colors in the eyes and minds, we back to Laval, so we dedicate ourselves to the shops of the university, I was looking for a diary and a pen, a couple of bottles of water from supermarket inside, really useful .. You can also enjoy a fabulous meal at the cafeteria, an hairdresser, a souvenir shop and an office of the university to hire cars.
Not to forget is the information desk, where you'll find highly trained young men and women that will help you with whatever problem you have about room, meals, in our case helped us when we hold due some days more for some problems, and you can buy minutes to use Internet from desktop computers of university.
Come dimenticarsi della città bassa , perfino la stazione è bella ma davvero interessante è il mercato, dove potrete trovare prodotti sani, naturali e di vario genere.. per non parlare di fiori coloratissimi e gustosi dolcetti!
How to forget the city's low, even the station is beautiful, it is really interesting. The market is grat, you can find healthy natural and varied food, colorful flowers and delicious cakes!
Ci sono diverso modi per muoversi dalla città alta alla città bassa, oltre a poter scendere attraverso varie strade e scorciatoie, potete prendere l'autobus, ma avete anche l'occasione di utilizzare la Funicolare che parte dalla Terrasse Dufferin ( 1,50 dollari a corsa).
There are different ways to move from high city to low city, besides being able to get through various roads and shortcuts, you can take the bus, but you also have the opportunity to use the funicular that leaves from the Terrasse Dufferin (1.50 dollars stroke).
Questi fruttini dovete comprarli e mangiarli mentre passeggiate o vi riposate su una panchina di fronte al porto, sotto qualche raggio di sole, subito fuori dall' edificio dove è allestito il mercato, sono davvero buonissimi!
These berries you buy and eat while you walk or rest on a bench facing the harbor, under the sunshine, just outside the 'building which is home to the market, are really great!
Continuiamo a passeggiare fino ad arrvare a l nostro meraviglioso pranzo, è qui che ho bevuto una delle birre miglori della mia miele.
We continue to walk until to arrive to our wonderful lunch, this is where I drank one of the best beer of my life ... flavored to honey.
This is Oncle Antoine, in the harbor area, is located in a cellar of an old building (1754).
Remember, a comfortable tavern and serves, in addition to good food, European beers, Quebec and several beers on tap.
The phone number is 418 694 9176
It is located at 29 Rue St Pierre, which is open from 11 am until late.
"Geoman, and Gemmes mineraux", the address is 1 Place Royale Quebec and the phone number 418-694-0425.
Tra partite di basket al dormitorio, una cena e il nostro animaletto dell'università , ci stavamo affezionando sempre piu a questo posto e, come vi ho accennato prima, la mia compagna di viaggio si è ammalata e per qualche giorno abbiamo deciso che fosse meglio un pò di riposo per lei. Nel frattempo ho continuato a visitare i dintorni della città.
Between basketball games at the dormitory, dinner and our pet of the university, we were getting more and more fond of this place and, as I mentioned before, unfortunately my traveling companion got sick for a few days.
Meanwhile I continued to explore the area of the city.
The Bay Centre is a large shopping mall where you can find something whatever your tastes, or whatever interests you, including photo exhibitions, all popcorn's tastes, books, clothes or skateboard. From Laval you can arrive here with few bus stop.
L'Isle d 'Orleans is one of the beauties of the region, where you can go for trips of one or more days. It has maintained its rural character and farming remains the main activity.
Around the island turns a 60 km long road, for whatever you need you can go to the tourist office (Tel 4188289411, 8669419411,; 490 Cote du Pont. Open from 8:30 to 19:30 from June to September , from 10 to 17 the rest of the year). Start with a cob with butter and then get back into the machine to the Vignoble Isle de Bacchus (418 828 9562, 1071 Chemin Royale), a famous wine cellar, where we bought a couple of bottles to bring back to Italy, after having striven to put in our suitcase without break them because by law they must go into the hold.This is the only winery of the island, you can stay in the place for the night. Guided tours and tastings are also offered.
Il vino è davvero buonissimo e dovete assolutamante assaggiarlo in particolare il vino bianco ghiacchiato, fatto con uva ghiacciata.
The wine is really delicious and you have to taste it especially the frozen white wine, made from icy grapes.
Eccoci arrivate al Domaine Steinbach (418 828 0000; 2205 chemi Royal). La tenuta è sede della casa del sidro , oltre ad un meleto.
Here we are at the Domaine Steinbach (418 828 0000; chemi Royal 2205). The estate is home to the Cider House, in addition to an apple orchard.
They are selling various products that you can also taste the cider, jams, vinaigrette, all the products are delicious.
Che ne dite di una fermata in un negozio di antiquariato in casa ? e magari un'occhiata alle spiagge?
What do you think about a stop at an antique shop in the house? Maybe a glance at the beaches?
Lasciata l'isle e di nuovo alla Laval, bisogna salutare l'università, cosi dopo aver fatto i bagagli e un 'ottima colazione siamo ripartite verso un' altra destinazione....
Leave the island and back to Laval, we must say goodbye to the university, so after preparing our luggage and a good breakfast we are allocated to a new destination.
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