A cosa pensereste?
Naturale, Epcot!!
If I told you the world, Disney and science?
What would you think?
Natural, Epcot!
Appena entrati vi sembrerà di esser in una fiaba, circondati da personaggi disney e che vi condurranno in un viaggio attraverso le meravigliose culture del mondo!
When you enter you'll feel like in a fairy tale, surrounded by Disney characters and take you on a journey through the wonderful cultures of the world!
Avremmo voluto iniziare dal tempio messicano ma sfortunatamente era ancora chiuso, ci saremmo ripassati dopo, mi incuriosiva molto vedere cosa ci fosse all'interno; siamo andati avanti con la nostra passeggiata intorno al lago... ebbene si perchè tutto il mondo è intorno ad un grande lago!We wanted to start from the Mexican temple, but unfortunately it was still closed, we would ccome back after, I'm very curious to see what was inside, we went on with our walk around the lake ... Well yes because the world is around a large lake!
Prima di cambiare nazione perchè non passare in mezzo a farfalle nate e non? non potete non andarle a vedre sono meravigliose di tutti i colori, sia dentro che subito fuori dalla zona dove normalmente si trovano!
Before changing nation why do not you walk through a butterfly? You can not go and see all the wonderful colors, both inside and just outside the area where normally they are!
Being the first state that I saw I was amazed how it was opening a small village in front of my eyes, where all kinds of shops inside typical buildings, selling everything from clothes to food items in typical Norwegian.
Mettetevi asssolutamente in fila per visitare la parte interna, e come potrete capire dalla foto qui sotto vi aspetterà un sorprendente giro in barca durante il quale vedrete un po di storia norvegese e piccoli villaggi, alla fine anche vecchi utensili utilizzati nei secoli passati!!Absolutely get in line to visit the inside, as you can see from the picture below, will wait for an amazing boat ride during which you'll see a bit of Norwegian history and small villages, in the end the old tools used in past centuries!
Really nice!
Passate per la Cina e vedete il piu possibile, oltre ai negozi, ci sono alcuni spettacoli!
Go to China and see as much as possible, there are shops and shows!
Unfortunately I did not see them but I could just walk around the bridges over the rivers and it was really interesting.
Now in Germany!
Then a trip to a small world where we met a few ducklings with mother, but a poor one was lost and we could not turn it back without touching it!
Here in Italy ..
..fino ad arrivare negli Stati Uniti d' America dove oltre alla caratteristica parata in cui verra spiegata un pò di storia e cantato l'inno americano, un momento molto emozionante anche grazie alla partecipazione dei presenti; sarete invitati ad entrare dentro all'edificio che vedete nella foto per assistere ad un'altro spettacolo dove rimarrete estasiati dalla bravura nel cantare di alcuni personaggi che sembreranno usciti dai secoli passati, ma saranno persone che avrete visto anche poco prima magari in Norvegia o in Germania che sanno fare in effetti un po di tutto!
.. Until you arrive in the United States of America where, in addition to the feature parade which will explain some history and sang the American anthem, a very exciting time thanks to the participation of those present, you will be invited to enter into the building you see in the picture to watch another show where you will be ecstatic by the skill to sing of a few characters that seem to come from centuries past, but will be people who you have seen just a little bit before, maybe in Norway or Germany who can actually do a bit of everything!
Vi aspetterà poi uno spettacolo all'interno del teatro dove vi verrà spiegata altra storia e personaggi che sembranno veri vi insegneranno moltissimo e vi faranno divertire!
Then expect you a show in the theater where it will explain other history and characters that will teach you a lot.. are they real? They will entertain you!
n Japan, between shows, nature, bonsai and more!
Il Marocco, dove entrerete in una vera e propria citta tra negozi e esposizioni che vi porteranno nel mondo di Aladino... vi divertirete moltissimo!!
Morocco, where you go into a real city shops and exhibitions that will take you into the world of Aladdin ... you have a great time!
Bienvenue en France!! Spettacoli di equilibristi, i personaggi della bella e la bestia creati dai cespugli, negozietti, aiuole piene di fiori colorati e musica d sottofondo vi accompagneranno per tutto il tragitto!
Bienvenue en France! The acrobat's performance, the characters of "The beauty and the beast" created by the bushes, small shops, flower beds full of flowers and colors, with the background music which will accompany you all the way!
Anche quando una bambina si avvicinerà ad un' Alice appena apparsa davanti a lei..
Even when a child will approach to Alice just appeared in front of her ..
Poteva mancare il Canada?? Anche se come l'Italia non ce ne è abbastanza, è davvero delizioso girare tra i totem le case e la casacata per poi ritrovarvi dentro l'edificio princiaple in un viaggio a tre dimensioni dentro a quel magnifico paese!
It could miss Canada? Although as for Italy as there is not enough, it's really delicious turn around totem, the fall and the house for and find yourself inside the building on a trip in three dimensions inside that beautiful country!
E finalmente eccoci in Messico dove entrerete in una piazza in piena notte dove si festeggia , si mangia e si ascolta buona musica di fronte ad un grande vulcano accanto al quale passerete durante un divertente giro in barca!!
And finally here we are in Mexico where you will enter a square at night where they are celebrating, eating and listening good music in front of a large volcano next to it, you'll go through a fun boat ride!
Why do not go a bit 'in space?
And maybe even a ride in a simulator accident? You can also take a picture:)
My face was very funny!
Dopodichè dritti nello spazio su una navicella spaziale proprio come gli astronauti, con tutte le sensazioni che immaginereste di avere se steste andando su Marte, senza eccezioni!!
E dopo un giro su un'astronave cosa c'è di meglio di uno spuntino??
Then straight into space on a spaceship just like the astronauts, with all the sensations that seemed if you were going to Mars, no exceptions! And after a ride on a spaceship there is something better then a snack?
..e scoprire tutto dall'era preistorica in un viaggio eccezionale in un simulatore che vi ci farà immergere in tutti i sensi??
..discover everything about prehistoric times and do a unique journey in a simulator that will immerse you in it in all directions?
Would you like to see the stars more closely?
All this and much more is Epcot!
I do not really know if adults or children were happier!
So for more information, visit:
Keep in mind that you will be practically all day.
In the evening we decided to go in the old city of Orlando kept as similar as possible to the original with the exception of the new buildings in the background, I thought the rail was not used, but apart the locomotive you see, on this course many train pass.
Dopo aver fatto una passeggiata, abbiamo deciso di andare a cena in un carinissimo locale anni '50 dove neanche a dirlo ci hanno servito di tutto!!! Ahimè non ricordo il nome ma lo troverete sulla strada principale e lo riconoscerete senza difficoltà.
After a walk, we decided to go to dinner at a cute local set in '50s where they served us a lot of great food!
Unfortunately I can not remember the name but you will find on the main road and is easily to recognize it.
The food is good and you do not even spend a lot.
The next day, after a good sleep we would go around the malls, it will seem strange but you should know that the area is known also for this, some of them are very beautiful and you can find everything, there are many people who advise us to walk also among the outlets that you can not really miss, great stores with very low prices and luxury brands, surf shops with Jack Johnson's music in the background ...
Also ask at your hotel where they are closest to you, but also across the street to passers-by in general are all very willing to help you and everyone know them!
.. e per variare abbiamo pensato di mangiarci un po di frutta :DBut we soon resumed in the evening, we went to Hooters! You know it?!?!
Mainly seems to be a sports bar, where you can drink beer and eat delicious fried chicken wings, but you will find people of all types and ages, boys and girls who celebrate their birthdays with songs sung from the chamber to the celebrated, they are very funny scenes, but at least you have to go! The food is good and does not cost much, it is close to Disney World Area, if not inside.
The official website of Hooters:
Alla prossima!!
See you!!
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