Misty morning that certainly would not have stopped us, Universal Studios were waiting for us!!
It was the first time for me to tis park and I didn't know what to expect, it was more amazing than I imagined!!
Games and spectacular attractions and I can assure you that you will need all the daytime we are not able to do everything, but I can just say "wonderful"!
How to resist, even if it started to rain we would continue in the rain (which actually happened), and when we arrived at the entrance I could not be happier!
Entrate in questo mondo bello e colorato, prendete una mappa e fatevi un'idea di quello che si vuole fare, anche perchè proprio accanto agli Universal ci sta un altro parco divertimenti, Adventure Island, davvero carinissimo che non dovete perdere.
Come to this beautiful and colorful world, take a map and get an idea of what to do, even because next to Universal there is another theme park, Adventure Island, really cute you can not loose it.
Anche questa volta è come passeggiare in una cittadina con negozietti, bar, ristoranti, ma meglio perchè è pieno di divertimento..Even this time is like walking into a town with shops, bars and restaurants, but better because it is full of fun ..
I do not know how to explain it, is like falling in a swirl of colors, emotions, adventures, and even fun ... definitely yes, fun too!
Cominciamo da Shrek, la fila è durata un pochino ma è valsa la pena aspettare, vi faranno entrare in una sala dove chiacchiereranno i personaggi del film, riderete tanto e vi stupirete di quanti personaggi parleranno, poi vi potrete spostare in una sala, un simulatore in un certo senso, dove vedrete un' anteprima di un nuovo film di Shrek e sarete catapultati dentro al film... in tutti i sensi davvero.. vi sembrerà di averli proprio accanto a voi! O forse ce li avrete davvero?!??Let's start with Shrek, the queue length is a little bit but it's worth the wait, you will enter in a room where guests can meet the characters of the movie, laugh a lot and you'll be amazed how many people will talk, then you can move in a room, a simulator in a sense, where you will see a 'preview a new film Shrek and will be catapulted into the film ... in every sense really .. You will seem like they're next to you! Or maybe you really have them?!?
Here there is a link about of Shrek's attraction , you can see an online map of the parks.
Aspettando potrete leggere qualcosa sul "Regno di molto lontano" e vedere qualche scena sugli schermi.
Waiting for something you can read about the "Kingdom of Far Far Away" and see some scenes on the screens.
Once out of there, we continued to walk .. Next step:
Exciting, you will fall in the world of the tornado that all of us know, between scenes and settings of the film, including real fire and rain .. without knowing what to expect in those areas destroyed!
A little farther on the way, we saw the words "REVENGE OF THE MUMMY", once left the backpacks in the lockers we went in that ancient world, awesome everything around you, the scenery will make you believe that the mummy was behind you, walking through the cobwebs and passages, climb up and fall down fast, and just when you think it's all over, it will not like this ... you get scared and have fun, on a sort of roller coaster, but only with the positive aspects that they have!
We were studying our map when we realized that we could not loose DISASTER!
You will not only learn the magical and unexpected world of DISATER MOVIE, discovering how the more amazing scenes are made, but you are truly involved in the demonstrations!
You will then be taken to a particular underground, you will be involved in a real accident caused by an earthquake, with trucks falling, fire and broken water pipes that ..... will save you from fire??
After all this and more you will have a fun surprise at the end on the screens that I do not want to anticipate, I can only tell you that it will be worth it really worth! "Disater" you must certainly live it, without a doubt, 100%, someone told me "..it is the story of fun" .
It 's time for a nice lunch, we ate a good salad at a restaurant on the lake and then back on the march, to other attractions!
It was beginning to rain as we headed towards MEN IN BLACK Alien Attack!
Have you ever wanted to be a Men in Black? To defeat monsters?
Well you can, and I assure you it is fun, enter the offices of the Men in Black and already just to get to the " start " of the game you will be impressed by what surrounds you, climb on these shuttles that take you half between aliens, you will shoot with laser guns turning abruptly with other surprises along the way, it will make you a picture, point blank, if you want you can buy it, we buy it 'cause we were really funny in that picture!! :D
The rain has reached us but we didn't give up and after a Sturbacks flavored coffee and a sweet (we were there for a little bit 'cause it was raining so much ), we headed toward something I will never forget and that sincerely I had also underestimated .... do not do it, is exceptional, every child deserves to be brought and every adult must go, I'm talking about ET Adventure ..... colorful, amazing, exceptional, perhaps even better of your own fantasy, ET 's world will not disappoint you, nor the greetings (when you will go you will understand me), you will discover extraterrestrial plants and all the friends of the friendly alien that we all love. You will find yourself in a fantastic journey on bike! The colors you'll see are perfect, everything that you think should be there, there will be .. What a dream!
Alla fine della passeggiata non poteva mancare un salto anche ad Adventure Island dove abbiamo potuto divertirci solo su un paio di attrattive pur essendo il biglietto valido completamente per entrambe le parti del parco, tra poco ne capirete la ragione...
Già l'entrata è carinissima!!!!!!!!!!!!
http://www.universalorlando.com/Amusement_Parks/Islands_of_Adventure/islands_of_adventure.aspxAttrazione numero uno, ci siamo divertiti tanto che l'abbiamo fatta due volte di fila, è quella di Spiderman, in un simulatore 3D nella lotta ai cattivi con il personaggio dei fumettti cadrete giu da grattacieli e incotrerete terribili esseri.. quanto è stato divertente!! In certi momenti mi sono anche un pò preoccupata di cadere davvero giù da un grattacielo!!
Ci siamo diretti poi verso una colorata costruzione.. POPEYE & BLUTO'S BILGE_RAT BARGES!! Abbiamo chiesto se ci saremmo bagnati e le signorine hanno detto: " No, non molto.." e in effetti non siamo caduti noi nell'acqua quanto il contrario!
Un giro tra cascate e acqua che ci arrivava inaspettatamente addosso, da tutte le parti, senza che capissimo subito da dove, è divertentissimo, ho riso tantissimo tutto il tempo, fino a che la pancia non mi ha iniziato a far male!! L'avrei voluto rifare altre 10 volte, quando siamo usciti di li eravamo completamente zuppi, complice un po di pioggia, alla quale non si puo dare però certo la colpa, così bagnati da capo a piedi,alla fine di una lunga ed emozionante giornata ci siamo diretti verso l'hotel a cercare qualcosa di asciutto da metterci addossso :D
Ci sarebbe stato ancora tanto da vedere, per cui attendo vostri commenti anche via mail su tutte le attrazioni che non ho avuto modo di provare!!!!!
At the end of the walk it could not miss a trip to Adventure Island, where we saw only a couple of fun attractions while being completely valid ticket for both parts of the park, soon you will understand the reason...
Even the entrance is lovely !!!!!!!!!!!!
Attraction number one, we had so much fun that we did it twice , is Spiderman, a 3D simulator in the fight against evil with the character of comics will drop down from skyscrapers and you will meet terrible beings .. that was fun! During some moments I am also a bit worried actually falling off a skyscraper!
Then we headed toward a colorful construction .. POPEYE'S BILGE_RAT BLUT & Barges! We asked if we would be wet and the ladies have said, "No, not really .." and in fact we're not fallen in the water as the opposite!
A tour through waterfalls and water that we came unexpectedly upon us, by all parties, it was funny, I laughed so much all the time, until the stomach started to hurt! I wanted to redo other 10 times, when we came out of there we were completely soaked, thanks to a little rain too, which can not be certain all the blame, so wet from head to foot, at the end of a long and emotional day we went to the hotel to find something dry to put on : D
There was still much to see, so I wait your comments to all the attractions that I've got to try !!!!!
Qui sopra un piccolo amico incontrata agli Universal Studios! :)Above a little friend met at Universal Studios! :)
The evening dinner at the 'Elephant, eat fairly well, is located at 4054 Conroy Road (The Mall of Millennia Bloomingdales), if you have time, day, take a walk in the Mall!
The phone number where you can contact them is: (407) 370 6412
Look at the menu on the website and any information that may be helpful:
The next day there was some sun and we thought we'd take a walk in an outlet, unfortunately I can not remember names..
Under the sun with some cold drink (I drank constantly shakes, I love them!) for a walk, in addition to shopping Sckecher where my fellow travelers have bought new shoes very comfortable, a trip to a store with a style a little surfer , Zumiez where I bought a fabulous plaid shirt, and then the "Coach" famous local brand but also sells in retail outlets, for this brand women go crazy and go around the store with at least a dozen bags hanging on each arm, ready to buy....
then a walk in the sport store for my new NewBalance so comfortable.
Check out also the following websites:
Coach: http://www.coach.com/online/handbags/Home-10551-10051
Zumiez: http://www.zumiez.com/
And now back in the car, here we are in Kissimmee, a picturesque village, all pastel colors, with many especial shops, an amusement park and a fun track on Go-Kart with three storey!
Eccovi l'Old Town Leather dove troverete tantissime cose in pelle, cappelli, potrete farvi delle cinte scegliendo ogni minimo particolare, ci sono portafogli , borse e la proprietaria è molto simpatica!!Here's the Old Town Leather packed with lots of leather things, hats, you can make your personal belts, there are wallets, purses and the owner is very nice!
And how not to stop looking at the haunted house?? I honestly do not know what's inside, it was closed when I went, but if there was anyone, tell me, I'm very curious!
Above you can see the main road, where you'll find even more, and then.... lunch time!
And here's ...... Go-Kart! Just the day before you remember that I was completely wet clothes?
Assuming to buy something during the trip I was not came here with so many pairs of pants, so I was wearing another pair today, when we started the circuit also started to rain!
The problem of my clothes would soon become the less important, just arrived on the third floor of the circuit, I realized how steep descents and how the go-kart skid tracks wet! I laughed a lot and I will do it again even now, but it was really an unexpected descent and I was a little bit scared :D!! Wow!!!
Di nuovo zuppa sono tornata in hotel e mi sono cambiata, iniziavo a finire i mix per vestirmi, ecco il panorama dalla mia camera, vedrete presto la differenza con il paesaggio in una bella mattinata di sole!Again I went back wet in the hotel and I changed, I began to finish the mix to get dressed, here is the view from my room, you'll soon see the difference with the landscape in a beautiful sunny morning!
We decided to go for dinner at Downtown Disney and take a stroll through the shops, go to the store where there are all the Disney designs and in the one with everything for Christmas.. is all so beautiful!
Ancora una volta a cena in mezzo agli animali, e sotto un temporale ben diverso da quelli della giornata :D
Once again for dinner among the animals, and under a storm quite different from those of the day: D
In the evening in the middle of this magic place, also surrounded by happiness, ready to see more, incredulous to think that every day we were more surprised by such beauty ...
Until next time!
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